Monday, May 11, 2009

Sleep is Man, no Woman's Best Medicine

I was and still am under the attack of a virulent flu virus. To nurse myself back to health, I have been sleeping voluminously since last Saturday.

It was amazing how my body simply could not get enough of the tranquilizing effects from the deep slumber. After two long days and nights of continuous sleep, I can feel my body slowly recovering from the debilitating effects of the malignant flu attack. Since I have not been to Mexico and Singapore has been declared clear from the influzena A H1N1 virus, I am pretty sure that this is just one of the common cold variant. But hey, flu virus these days just got more and more fiendish. It sapped virtually all my strength and my body literally had to sleep and sleep to replenish the lost energy.

Initially wanted to spend the time to coach my elder son as his mid-term examination is round the corner, my well-intent plans turned awry. Making matters more challenging was that my second boy was also down with the same flu strain. At least, my elder boy is still in the pink of health. And my husband was already on the road to recovery when my younger boy and I were down. And finally, on the third day - that's today - we could now eat solid foods and could muster enough energy to enjoy life simple joys - like writing this blogpost.

Even though I was down, I was not out. On Sunday, I had to haul my second boy crossing over the intimidating overhead bridge to see the doctor. The sudden heavy downpour was a blessing-in-disguise as my husband drove over to pick us up at the nearby bus-stop after seeing the doctor.

I gently reminded him that over the last few days when he was sick, he could sleep for all he care. This is a rare luxury for me. Like clockwork, I continue to prepare and put dishes on the table, rain or shine, in health or in sickness. And no matter how much resistance my body has, I would be up and going down to fetch my boys when the school day comes to a close - in fact travelling by public transport to fetch both of them in different locations.

By all accounts, I love my man. But as the saying goes, no one is perfect. At least, this time round, my feedback on Mother's Day did not go unheed. He did our grocery shopping at the friendly neighbourhood store!

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