Sunday, August 31, 2014

Busy Mundane Weekends

I have been very busy with juggling work and family especially when my husband needs to work late or is out of town.

When my hubby is around, he will be the one setting the timetable. For a good part of this year, I have been the one doing so. Our weekend routine is packed to the brim. We will be shuffling around from place to place from morning to night.

In a certain sense, challenges are there only when one is ready. And they are there to make us stronger. At times, I still feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities I have to shoulder. I am growing stronger and tougher day by day.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Sharing my elder boy's essay.
  ​​​​ 去逛街
虽然弟弟吃完了晚餐,想回家,一直叫个不停:“回家了!回家了!我很累,我要睡觉了!”,但是我们去“Uncle Teisu”蛋糕店买蛋糕。弟弟一看 到非常好吃的蛋糕,马上忘记了自己说很累,连口水都流了出来!我们看到了都偷偷的笑了起来,不敢告诉他。因为弟弟最爱发脾气了。人家不小心动到他,他也要狠狠地揍人家一拳 。