On 5 Dec 2009 (Saturday), there was an Achievers Day cum 3-in-1 Workshop on Language, General and Project Evaluation at Whampoa Community Centre. The workshop was faciliated by John Sih, a highly entertaining trainer and Patrick Chang, trainer and coach with more than 20 years of experience.
First of all, I liked the way the pamphlet was printed - double-sided on an A4 paper, folded into three main section and a perforated half-an-inch slip. Each bigger portion contained the program for each session. It looked something like this:
Session 1
2.00 pm Welcome by TMD Appointment Holder 1
2.05 pm Opening Address Appointment Holder 2
5-7 mins - Division U Governor
2.15 pm Workshop Session 1
> Language Evaluation Workshop Facilitor 1
Basic & Advanced Speeches
2.45 pm P8 - Get Comfortable with Speaker 1
5- 7 min Visual Aids
Project Title
*Voting for best prepared speaker - SAA's
For the last perforated half-inch portion, there were three small rectangles with words typed 90 degree to the three big sections. Each rectangle could be torn off easily as voting slips. First rectangle was the "COMMEND & CRITIQUE 1 AREA", second was for "BEST PREPARED SPEAKER" (with the instruction that went like this "Please vote based on objectives of the project and manner of presentation." and finally, the portion for "BEST PERFORMED APPOINTMENT OR ROLE" (the instruction was "Please vote based on the objectives of the appointment/role.")
Next, let me move on to the flyer for the programme. What a good choice of words "Chalking it up"
"Chalk up" means to score or earn.
There was a very clever use of trios as in "Be chalking, chuckling and cheering through his workshop".
Another was the good use of "U" in Division U in the tagline "Renew your Promise with the U Attitude.
That is all for Part 1 of this blog on the first impression. So far, I have touched on the bread of the burger, in my next post, I shall touch on the meat of the burger. Stay tuned!
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