Things that matter most, Aileen Chua
The suburbia vibe is in the air
It's hot and humid But memories are alive
Of how crisp, dry air smells
Cauldron boils and bubbles
With homemade goodness
Just like in the yesteryear
When the children were toddlers
Father was the main breadwinner
And mother took charge at home
Money was enough to go by
Patience in abundance
Taking time to smell the roses
Driving around to see the world
A thousand miles away from home
Yet it brought us close to things that matter most in life
Be kind, be thankful and be grateful
The virtues we remind our children
The values that help to make one's mark in life
And to always stand tall and proud
Not the As, the grades, the marks The yardsticks for ease of ranking
Lacking in so many ways
And short in the long haul
But before one condemns
What are we doing to change for the better?
Begin by taking baby step
To pause and think for a while And focus on doing what is right
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